This is an Easter inspired design! Its a very lovely take on the prettiness of Easter with the traditional gold, silver, pink and purple!
- Apply base coat
- Alternate gold and silver on each finger. My choice of base colours here are China Glaze Cowardly Lyin' and The Ten Man. I used three very thin coats to get desired result. Make sure you let each coat dry to avoid bubbling.
- Using Konad Image Plate 78 and special polishes gold and silver alternate gold on silver and silver on gold. This will give a very subtle foil look.
- Then using Image Plate 64 add design twice using special polishes Magenta (a pretty sparkly pink) and Light Gray (more purple than gray!). I started doing the pinks first then overlayed the gray.
- Finish with a top coat
- If desired add a couple of rhinestones